AND WE'RE BACK! Now taking bookings for private, bespoke guided half and full day hiking trips. Come walking with us!

The many ways to make a hike unforgettable

The many ways to make a hike unforgettable

25 June was always meant to be a marquee day for us. But both our plans for that date didn't quite turn out as planned...

Posted on 26 June 2020 by Andrew M

So yesterday was supposed to be The Inside Trek‘s first day of introducing guests to the Northern Irish hills. It’s a date we had circled from a long way out. It’s a date that even makes up the digits on the number plate of our SUV (coincidence, honest!). But, for obvious reasons, it was a start date that didn’t quite work out as planned. Which is disappointing, but no biggie – public health & everyone staying safe matters more. Plus we’ve been able to use the enforced interruption to our advantage by making The Inside Trek even stronger and better (and more on that to come v soon).

Slievelamagan in the foreground and Slieve Donard in the background as seen from the initial ascent of Slieve Binnian on a sunny June day
On the way up Slieve Binnian

The Mourne Wall Walk

But we still wanted to mark yesterday. And a chance to tackle the Mourne Wall Walk seemed like the perfect way to do that. Because if a mere 19 miles following the amazing 100 year old hand built stone Mourne Wall up and over a mere 8,500 feet of mountains isn’t a suitable marker, then we don’t know what is. Unfortunately though, that didn’t quite work out as planned either!

The Mourne Wall Walk is a truly epic route. But it is tough. Especially when the day you pick decides to be the hottest day of the year. Yes, that means that navigation is simple, and views & photos are stunning. But boy does it make an arduous hike a LOT more taxing. It forces you to slow down and it really really gets you gulping water. To the point where we were about to run out.

Respect the Mountains, Accept the Facts

And while we desperately wanted to finish that walk, to properly mark The Inside Trek’s planned first day live, we also ALWAYS respect the mountains & hills we walk on. And we also always accept the facts (especially when those facts are a shortage of water and daylight!)

The cliff face on the north side of Slieve Bearnagh, as seen coming down Slieve Meelmore, with the Mourne Wall criss-crossing at the col, on a lovely summer's day
Slieve Bearnagh was the peak too far for a thirsty crew

That is why we hike

Sometimes you just have to leave your ego out of it and be smart. Which is why, after descending Slieve Meelbeg, we decided to come down from the mountains. Are we gutted? Not really. We learned a LOT that will make us even better er every time we go on the hills. It was still an amazing day, with unforgettable views and experiences. And, ultimately, THAT’S why we hike. For those days you’ll always remember.

The stunning view down Pollaphuca and across to Newcastle town as you exit the Mournes from the col between Slieves Meelbeg and Bearnagh
The views are still stunning even when you’re bailing out early

Come and join us for some unforgettable days in the beautiful Northern Irish hills. Come and join us for your perfect Inside Trek.

PS: don’t worry: we offer (much) shorter hikes. And the weather is rarely this baking hot!